Post-order forward iterator class

Class iterator_postorder iterates the tree in post-order sequence. It begins with the minimun, left-most node and moves the iteration cursor, denoted by current, each time iterator_postorder& operator++() is called. Node *successor() is described below. The enum class position, like the iterator_preofer class, implements a finite state machine that consists of three possible positions…

 class iterator_postorder {  // This not efficient to copy due to the stack container inside it.

   using node_type = bstree<Key, Value>::node_type;

   node_type *current;

   enum class position {at_beg, between, at_end};
   position pos;

   bstree<Key, Value> *ptree;
   Node *successor();


   using difference_type  = std::ptrdiff_t;
   using value_type       = bstree<Key, Value>::value_type;
   using reference        = value_type&;
   using pointer          = value_type*;

   using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag;

   iterator_postorder() : current{nullptr}, ptree{nullptr}, pos{position::at_end}

   explicit iterator_postorder(bstree<Key, Value>& tree) : ptree{&tree}
      if (ptree->root == nullptr) {
          pos = position::at_end;
          current = nullptr;

      } else {
        pos = position::at_beg;
        // Set current to node with smallest key.
        current = min(ptree->root.get());

   // This constructor is call by bstree::end();
   iterator_postorder(bstree<Key, Value>& tree, int dummy) : ptree{&tree}
       pos = position::at_end;

      if (ptree->root == nullptr)
          current = nullptr;
         current = ptree->root.get();// Set current to root

   iterator_postorder(const iterator_postorder& lhs) : current{lhs.current}, ptree{lhs.ptree}, pos{lhs.pos}

   iterator_postorder& operator++() noexcept
     switch (pos) {
        case position::at_end:
        case position::at_beg:
        case position::between:
            auto next = successor();

            if (current == next)
                pos = position::at_end;
              current = next;
      return *this;

   reference operator*() const noexcept { return current->__get_value(); }

   pointer operator->() const noexcept { return &(operator*()); }

   struct sentinel {};

   bool operator==(const iterator_postorder::sentinel& sent) const noexcept
       return (pos == position::at_end) ? true : false;

   bool operator!=(const iterator_postorder::sentinel& lhs) const noexcept
     return !operator==(lhs);

   friend bool operator==(const iterator_postorder::sentinel& sent, const iterator_postorder& iter) noexcept
       return iter.operator==(sent);

   friend bool operator!=(const iterator_postorder::sentinel& sent, const iterator_postorder& iter) noexcept
     return iter.operator!=(sent);

Node *successor();

The successor() method first checks if the given node is the right child of its parent or if the parent’s right child is empty. If either is true, the post-order successor is the parent; otherwise, we search for the left-most child in the parent’s right substree.

Node *successor();
    if (current == nullptr || pos == position::at_end) return current;

    Node *__y = current;

    // If given node is the right child of its parent or parent's right is empty, then the
    // parent is postorder successor.
    auto parent = __y->parent;

    if (!parent->right || __y == parent->right.get())
        __y = parent;
    else {

       // In all other cases, find the left-most child in the right substree of parent.
       auto pnode = parent->right.get();

       while (pnode->left)
           pnode = pnode->left.get();

        __y = parent;
    return __y;