.. include:: .. role:: kurt-code Sorting ======= Merge Sort ----------- Merge sort recursively divides an array into smaller subarrays until subarrays of size one are reached, which terminated the recursion. The merge of the subarrays (into sorted order) then occurs. The number of levels in the recursion is: 1 + floor (log\ :sub:`2` N) where N is the array size. Merge Sort Pseudocode ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Input sequence S with n elements, comparator C. S is sorted in ascending sequence: .. raw:: html
   mergeSort(S, C)
       if S.size() > 1 {
           (S1, S2) <-- partition(S, n/2) 
           mergeSort(S1, C)
           mergeSort(S2, C)
           S <--merge(S1, S2)
First implementation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This implementation assumes the input is an array. A temporary working buffer the same size as the input array is first allocated, which is used in the merge (the conquer) step. After the buffer is allocated the recursive subdivision of the array begins. When an array of size one is encountered, the recursion stops, and the merge step occurs. .. code-block:: cpp #ifndef GERNEIC_MERGE_SORT_H #define GERNEIC_MERGE_SORT_H #include template static void do_merge(T a[], int first, int mid, int last, T *buffer, Comparator C); template static void do_merge_sort(T a[], int first, int last, T *buffer, Comparator C); template void merge_sort(T a[], int first, int last, Comparator C) { // allocate a working buffer for our merges std::unique_ptr work_buffer = std::make_unique( last + 1 - first ); do_merge_sort(a, first, last, work_buffer.get(), C); } template static void do_merge_sort(T a[], int first, int last, T buffer[], Comparator C) { // base case: the range [first, last] can no longer be subdivided. if (first < last) { int mid = (first + last) / 2; // index of mid point do_merge_sort(a, first, mid, buffer, C); // sort left half do_merge_sort(a, mid + 1, last, buffer, C); // sort right half // merge the two halves do_merge(a, first, mid, last, buffer, C); } } template static void do_merge(T a[], int first, int mid, int last, T *buffer, Comparator compare) { int first1 = first; int last1 = mid; int first2 = mid + 1; int last2 = last; int index = 0; /* * While both sub-arrays are not empty, copy the smaller item into the * temporary array buffer. */ for (; first1 <= last1 && first2 <= last2; ++index) { if ( compare(a[first1], a[first2]) ) { buffer[index] = std::move(a[first1]); first1++; } else { buffer[index] = std::move(a[first2]); first2++; } } // finish off the first sub-array, if necessary for (;first1 <= last1; first1++, index++) { buffer[index] = std::move(a[first1]); } // finish off the second sub-array, if necessary for (;first2 <= last2; first2++, index++) { buffer[index] = std::move(a[first2]); } // copy the temp array to the original array int length = last + 1 - first; for (index = 0; index < length; ++index) { a[first++] = std::move(buffer[index]); } } #endif A more Generic Implementaion ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This implementation does not require the data structure being sorted to be an array. It only requires an generic random access iterator type with pointer-like semantics such as addition and substraction with an integer, subtraction of two iterators, deferencing and comparison. .. code-block:: cpp #ifndef MERGE_SORT_H #define MERGE_SORT_H #include #include #include namespace algolib { /* * Iterator here is a random access iterator that supports the index operator as well as pointer-like subtraction and addition. * C is a function object that overloads the function call operator to do determine "less than". */ template static void merge(Iterator first, const Iterator mid, const Iterator last, const Iterator buffer_start, Comparator C) noexcept; template void merge_sort(Iterator first, Iterator last, Iterator buffer, Comparator C) noexcept; /* * Iterator here is a random access iterator */ template void merge_sort(Iterator first, Iterator last, Comparator C) noexcept { // allocate a working buffer for our merges std::unique_ptr work_buffer { std::make_unique(last + 1 - first) }; merge_sort(first, last, work_buffer.get(), C); } template void merge_sort(Iterator first, Iterator last, const Iterator buffer, Comparator c) noexcept { // Base case: the range [first, last] can no longer be subdivided; it is of length one. if (first < last) { /* * 1. Divide data structure in a left, first half and second, right half. */ Iterator mid = first + (last - first) / 2; // Note: division binds first before first is added. /* * Recurse on the left half. */ algolib::merge_sort(first, mid, buffer, c); /* * When left half recursion ends, recurse on right half of [first, last], which is [mid + 1, last]. * Note: Both left and right descents implictly save the indecies of [first, mid] and [mid+1, last] on the stack. */ algolib::merge_sort(mid + 1, last, buffer, c); /* * 2. When recursion ends, merge the two sub arrays [first, mid] and [mid+1, last] into a sorted array in [first, last] */ algolib::merge(first, mid, last, buffer, c); // merge-and-sort step } } /* * Merges subarrays [first, mid] and [mid + 1, last] into a sorted array in working buffer, buffer_start. Then copies * the working buffer over the original segement [first, last] */ template static void merge(Iterator first, const Iterator mid, const Iterator last, const Iterator buffer_start, Comparator compare) noexcept { Iterator first1 = first; Iterator last1 = mid; Iterator first2 = mid + 1; Iterator last2 = last; int index = 0; /* * While both sub-arrays are not empty, copy the smaller item into the * temporary array buffer. */ Iterator buffer_cursor = buffer_start; for (; first1 <= last1 && first2 <= last2; ++buffer_cursor) { if ( compare(*first1, *first2) ) { *buffer_cursor = *first1++; } else { *buffer_cursor = *first2++; } } // finish off the first sub-array, if necessary for (;first1 <= last1; ++first1, ++buffer_cursor) { *buffer_cursor = std::move(*first1); } // finish off the second sub-array, if necessary for (;first2 <= last2; ++first2, ++buffer_cursor) { *buffer_cursor = std::move(*first2); } // Copy the temp array to the original array int length = last + 1 - first; Iterator start = buffer_start; for (Iterator end = start + length; start != end;) { *first = std::move(*start++); ++first; } } } // end namespace algolib #endif